Gotham 12/17 & thoughts on a song

Happy Sunday!

At least here in NYC it's a gloomy, rainy one, but I'm sending two things that I think will brighten any day.

First, is the album concert Ted and I (and the big band!) will be performing on 12/17 at 6pm at Gotham Restaurant. Gorgeous dining room, incredible musicians, and of course this music which at least one critic has said is "...brilliantly done, but a touch too out there to put on for background music while you unwrap presents." Exactly.

Next, one song from the record I want to highlight for you, and a little story about how it came to be.

"Solstice" began its story as a song set to a famous poets' words for Ted's "Transformation" project with a gorgeous melody by Brian Byrne. When it came to pass the poet would not allow for their work to be musicalized, the song remained unheard, criminally so.

Whenever I heard the arrangement Ted and Brian wrote I would burst into tears every time the Marcus Printup's trumpet soared (it was a little embarrassing.)

Fast forward to our making a holiday album, Ted wondered if I might be able to write new lyrics to it. The profundity and grace of this song demanded the highest possible echelon of feeling and language from me. And even when singing it, it's still hard to keep it together when Marcus does his thing!

Solstice is the darkest time before the light returns. In most traditions, this time of year is all about the evocation of light. I can't think of a time more in need of that than now...and this song is for those of us carrying our light through it.

Ted Nash, Kristen Lee Sergea...
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Here's where you can stream the release.

Or buy a CD.

Thank you for reading, and for listening.

Yours in song,

"Holidays" at Gotham
New York, NY

PO Box 20264 NY NY 10023
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